From the course: Camtasia 2020 Essential Training: The Basics

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Timeline overview

Timeline overview

- [Instructor] Let's take a closer look at the timeline. The timeline looks like a ruler above your tracks, and it's broken up into units of time. The playhead always displays the time code for the current frame. And my playhead is currently parked at zero hours, zero minutes, 19 seconds and 15 frames. Camtasia defaults to dividing every second of real time in 30 frames per second. Therefore, you can say that my playhead is currently located at exactly 19 and a half seconds. And if you drag your play head forward, notice the last two numbers begin incrementing. You can also use the period key on your keyboard to advance one frame at a time all the way up until you get to 29 frames. When you advance one more frame, they begin counting again at zero frames. Timecode is extremely helpful when editing, since it lets you find and talk about specific points in your movie. Now you can zoom into your timeline by dragging the…
