From the course: Camtasia 2020 Essential Training: The Basics

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Basic timeline editing

Basic timeline editing

Think of editing as the process of cutting out mistakes, and then adding just enough refinements to enhance your story. And the real art of editing, is knowing exactly where to make those cuts and how to piece your story back together. And to know where to make the cuts, always begin by watching the footage that you want to edit so that you have a good idea of what you're dealing with. And for the rest of this course, I'll take care of this for us and simply point out the edit points if we're making any precise edits. But feel free to always pause the video and listen for yourself. Not to make precise cuts, you're going to need to know three simple tricks, the slice, the trim, and the ripple. All edits begin with a cut that splits the selected clip at your play heads current location, and make sure you have your clips selected that you want to edit, and then move your playhead down to the location where you want to…
