From the course: Camtasia 2020 Essential Training: The Basics
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Backing up and sharing projects with others - Camtasia Tutorial
From the course: Camtasia 2020 Essential Training: The Basics
Backing up and sharing projects with others
- [Instructor] Let's have a look at how to back up your Camtasia projects and share them with colleagues using the same platform that you're using or a different platform. And Camtasia does work on both Mac and Windows, and it looks almost identical on both platforms. But the two versions do not share the same project files at this time. Furthermore, Camtasia projects contain a lot of additional media files that all need to be packaged up together before you go moving your project files around. So in order to back up your projects, you're going to need to jump through a couple of hoops. Now, let's start off by having a look at Windows and then we'll have a look at the Mac. Now, both processes on Windows are very similar, you just go up to the File menu and go down to the export menu. Now, if you're creating your own backup file, or if you're sharing your projects with another Windows user, you would want to select the option…
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