From the course: C++ Essential Training

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Using an IDE with the exercise files

Using an IDE with the exercise files - C++ Tutorial

From the course: C++ Essential Training

Using an IDE with the exercise files

- [Instructor] In order to follow along with the exercises in this course, you'll need a code editor and a modern C++ compiler. Any compiler that supports C++ 20 should work. An IDE like Xcode or Visual Studio could be an excellent environment for using the exercise files. For demonstration purposes, I mostly use Xcode on a Mac because it has a clear, uncluttered display and it's easy to compile and run from right there in Xcode. I also demonstrate a few things in Visual Studio on Windows. Keep in mind that any editor and compiler that supports C++ 20 will do fine. You do not need to use Xcode or Visual Studio. Here on this Mac, let's set up Xcode and I'll show you how I set up Xcode for the exercise files here. So this is Xcode. When you launch it, it's just nothing. Come up here to the File menu and under File, New, I create a workspace. And I call my workspace CppEssT for C++ Essential Training. And I'm…
