From the course: C++ Essential Training

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Overview of the STL

Overview of the STL - C++ Tutorial

From the course: C++ Essential Training

Overview of the STL

- [Instructor] The Standard Template Library is part of the C++ standard. So it's guaranteed to be a part of every C++ development system. Commonly called the STL, the Standard Template Library provides containers and supporting data types like vectors, lists, queues, and iterators. The STL provides a number of standard containers, iterators, and algorithms. Some of these include vector, a fundamental random access container that can be used in many places a C array could be used, but with a lot more functionality. List, a double linked list optimized for fast inserts and deletes. Set, an ordered sequence container where elements are kept in a strict order based on their value. Map, an associative container where unique keys are used to access associated values. Stack, queue, and deque, which is double-ended queue, are last in first out, first in first out, and double-ended queues for pushing and popping data from…
