From the course: C++ Essential Training

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Overview of classes and objects

Overview of classes and objects - C++ Tutorial

From the course: C++ Essential Training

Overview of classes and objects

- [Instructor] In C++, classes're treated as custom data types. They're used like any type provided by the C++ language. Classes and objects're extremely powerful, with many features and capabilities. This chapter will cover the basics, which should be enough for many purposes. For more detail, please see the companion course, "C++: Advanced Topics." Let's start by defining some terminology. First, let's look at the words, class and object. The definition of a class, using the class keyword, is the class itself. You may then use the class to create an object. The object is sometimes called an instance of the class. Sometimes you'll hear the verb form, instantiate, to describe the process of creating an object. Class members, sometimes called object members, are the contents of a class. There're two types of members. Data members are the members that represent encapsulated data. Data members're sometimes called…
