From the course: C++ Essential Training
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Identifiers - C++ Tutorial
From the course: C++ Essential Training
- Identifiers provide readable names for variables, functions, classes, objects, labels, and defined types. In C++, identifiers are made up of letters, and numbers within a set of constraints. These include the 26 letters of the ISO Latin alphabet in both lowercase and uppercase. The 10 Western Arabic numerals, and the ASCII Underscore character. An identifier may not begin with a numeral. Identifiers may not conflict with reserved words. The current C++ standard reserves 73 keywords, plus 11 alternative tokens. You cannot use any of these words as an identifier. Identifiers are case sensitive. Capital A zed is different from a capital Zed. So even though both of these read a zed, they are different identifiers. Current standards allow letters that are not part of the ISO Latin alphabet, but support for this is dependent upon your implementation and is not portable. I highly recommend that you stick to the 26 letters of…
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