From the course: C++ Essential Training
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Challenge: Non-member operators - C++ Tutorial
From the course: C++ Essential Training
Challenge: Non-member operators
(upbeat electronic music) - [Educator] The challenge for this chapter is for you to implement non-member operators for the rational class from this chapter. This is zero seven challenge.CPP from chapter seven of the exercise files. This is the rational class from earlier in this chapter. And the first thing you'll notice about this file is that it doesn't compile. As we learn in this chapter, the expressions in these lines require non-member operators. Your task is to modify this class to use non-member functions for the arithmetic operators so that these four lines of code work properly. This challenge should take about 15 minutes to an hour. As always feel free to take your time and experiment. I'll show you my solution in the next movie.
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Overview of classes and objects5m 43s
Data members3m 36s
Function members4m 27s
Constructors and destructors8m 7s
Operator overloads5m 28s
Non-member operators5m 31s
Challenge: Non-member operators54s
Solution: Non-member operators1m 20s