From the course: C++ Design Patterns: Behavioral
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The Command pattern - C++ Tutorial
From the course: C++ Design Patterns: Behavioral
The Command pattern
- [Instructor] Okay, it's time for our second design pattern which is called the command pattern. The command pattern can help us greatly reduce coupling between different classes in our application as well as make certain pieces of functionality much more reusable as we'll see. And it does this by expressing the different events that can occur in our application as their own classes. And we'll look at the details of this shortly. So in order to get a better idea of how the command pattern works, let's take a look at an example where this pattern might be helpful. So in most applications that we write any changes that we want to make usually take place by one piece of code directly calling another piece of code. So as an example let's say that we're building a drawing application of some sort, and that this application has a clear canvas button that deletes all the lines, colors, et cetera, from the screen. Now this…
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The Chain of Responsibility pattern3m 57s
Implementing the Chain of Responsibility pattern7m 27s
Create Chain of Responsibility handlers7m 35s
The Command pattern3m 56s
Implementing the Command pattern4m 14s
Increasing code reuse with commands3m 28s
The Mediator pattern4m 13s
Implementing the Mediator pattern9m 1s
Using the Mediator from inside other classes6m 51s
The Observer pattern2m 54s
Creating publishers7m 48s
Creating subscribers5m 34s
Project: Create a group-chat program7m 32s
Challenge: Apply the Command pattern1m 2s
Solution: Apply the Command pattern6m 26s