From the course: Bystander Training: From Bystander to Upstander

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When should you intervene?

When should you intervene?

- The most obvious time to intervene is the scariest time to intervene: when you see one employee aggressively yelling at another. So first things first, definitely consider the situation and your safety. If it doesn't feel safe to directly intervene, then don't. If an especially heightened situation where someone is yelling, for example, you know it's not okay but you're also in shock and jumping in seems like a terrible option. It's okay. Many people do freeze up in these scenarios and I'm not asking you to put yourself in harm's way. But you can subtly intervene by walking by to make your presence known, shooting a disapproving look their way or distracting them by asking a question about a project they're working on. You can also consider grabbing a coworker and with the two of you there, it might feel more comfortable to say something directly about the behavior you're observing. Or you could go and get a…
