From the course: Bystander Training: From Bystander to Upstander
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Using your body language for greater presence
From the course: Bystander Training: From Bystander to Upstander
Using your body language for greater presence
- One of the most watched Ted Talks is by Amy Cuddy on the topic of body language. She found in her research that if you stand in a power pose, for example, with your hands on your hips, your chin up, and your feet spread apart, like the standard superhero stance, that you actually produce more testosterone and become more confident. Conversely, if you are in a more meek position, like folding your arms and looking down, you produce cortisol and become less confident. The point is that body language can help you build up the confidence to intervene. Dr. Cuddy mentions in her talk that it only takes being in a power pose for two minutes to increase confidence. If you overhear something inappropriate, consider walking into the room with your chin high and your shoulders back to build your own confidence, and also demonstrate confidence to the person engaging in poor behavior. And your nonverbal communication can also serve…
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Using the paraphrase and inquire technique45s
Focusing on the impact3m 3s
Becoming more direct in your interactions1m 22s
Asking better questions2m 49s
Applying humor to defuse a situation3m 1s
Using your body language for greater presence2m 33s
Deescalating an emotionally charged situation3m 3s