From the course: Bystander Training: From Bystander to Upstander

From bystander to upstander

- Working with people is hard. All those various communication styles, ways of working, and personalities floating around, and working with people who make you uncomfortable through microaggressions or ugly sarcasm, up to bullying and harassment, is really hard. It can certainly make you feel helpless. I've been there myself and I've engaged with thousands of employees over the years who felt helpless too. Much of that feeling might be coming from not knowing what to do. And I'm here to change that. My name is Catherine Mattice, CEO of Civility Partners. I've been helping organizations resolve toxic work environments for over a decade. This course is for anyone at any level who wants to make a positive impact for others. We're going to discuss interpersonal skills in a world where upstanders are desperately needed. I'm going to give you real tools and strategies for being an upstander or engaging in bystander intervention. So let's do this.
