From the course: Bystander Training: From Bystander to Upstander

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Building your assertiveness

Building your assertiveness

- Assertive behavior is an essential part of being an upstander. It's an honest, direct, professional, and appropriate expression of your thoughts and feelings. On the spectrum of passive behavior on one end and aggression on the other, assertiveness is right in the middle. Assertiveness is about problem solving, asking another person to change their behavior. It's about showing respect for the other person but not their behavior. Assertiveness is a learned skill. You may have developed some skills if you grew up observing assertiveness in your family, for example. The exercise files include an assertiveness assessment adapted from my book, 'Back Off: Your Guide To Ending Bullying at Work.' Check it out and see how you do. Ultimately, you have to believe you have the right to speak up and to overcome the anxiety and fear that comes with doing so. Another way to overcome the fear is to use preset steps. They are to…
