From the course: Business Analysis for Project Managers
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Validation and acceptance of requirements
From the course: Business Analysis for Project Managers
Validation and acceptance of requirements
- We've talked about all the fun that goes into verification, now let's turn to validation. Many people mix up verification with validation. They aren't the same thing, but it's easy to confuse them. Verification is an ongoing process. Verification is a continual test until you get it right. Validation is when you get the sign off or approval. The validation process is an objective method of accepting the deliverables or results through comparison with the requirements documentation and or requirements baseline. Unless the feedback is telling us we need to make some changes, each individual requirement is validated or accepted by the key stakeholder. The use cases can also provide the basis for development of the user acceptance or UAT testing. There's actually a number of different types of tests that users can perform. You can use more unstructured exploratory testing or a more structured and detailed usability…
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