From the course: Business Analysis for Project Managers

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Analyzing requirements

Analyzing requirements

- It happens all the time. You think you know what someone wants, but you're wrong. Now, if this is about buying the right brand of sauce at the grocery store, well, that's pretty easily fixed. But if it's about a project with thousands or millions of dollars invested, that's a whole different thing. For example, you hear the hotel wants an app to book conference and meeting space. Naturally, you think they mean organizations booking the space or facility, but what you missed was that they also expected participants or attendees to be able to use it. It's important to not just understand what was said, but what was included to support that vision. And that's why we move from eliciting requirements to analyzing them. We can do this by ourselves, document our findings and translate it to the delivery team. But I like to use more of a lean approach and combine some of the elicitation and analysis activities. And one way to…
