From the course: Business Analysis: Essential Facilitation and Workshop Skills

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Running an in-person requirements elicitation workshop

Running an in-person requirements elicitation workshop

From the course: Business Analysis: Essential Facilitation and Workshop Skills

Running an in-person requirements elicitation workshop

- Okay, so let's run a workshop. Yep, you've got it. Let's produce something. Let's start simple and say you as the BA, you got to go get those requirements. Yeah, I know, not really that simple. But for example, let's figure out what we need for a mobile app. We need to know what to build, right? Those are our requirements. So you get someone from marketing, different areas of the business, and of course IT in a room to discuss what's required for the app to be successful. Use your good facilitation skills and get them to discuss not just what but why they need what they need. In this case, for this app. And this might be where my pre-work comes into play of just even considering how I set up the room. Wanting people to build things together like prototypes or design ideas, it makes more sense to have working tables versus here I'm getting them to help me complete the requirements listing, I want their attention,…
