From the course: Building Data Apps with R and Shiny: Essential Training

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Shiny and packages that connect to API

Shiny and packages that connect to API

- [Narrator] It's extremely important to remember that Shiny apps work on your local machine may not necessarily work on when deployed to a server. Shiny apps that use data packages with API require special treatment to work correctly when deployed. Let's walk through what API and data packages are and then circle back to why you must be careful when using these packages in Shiny apps. APIs, or application programming interfaces, are the bedrock of data-driven web applications and web services. They're behind what we often call Web 2.0. We care about API because they describe how both a user can request data from a service and how that data can be returned. And that's how we can use data packages in Shiny apps. We're extremely lucky in the R community that's it fairly simple for R developers to wrap an API in an easy-to-use R package that the developers can then publish to CRAN. Typically, end users like ourselves can then install and use these data packages without needing to…
