From the course: Building Data Apps with R and Shiny: Essential Training
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Quit Shiny apps on your local machine
From the course: Building Data Apps with R and Shiny: Essential Training
Quit Shiny apps on your local machine
- [Instructor] It's important to remember that while a Shiny App is running on your local machine, it's locking up your session. You cannot run new code while a Shiny App is running. It's quite common to forget this while you're developing your Shiny App and it can get quite frustrating. These are the two things that we need to look for to see if a Shiny App is running. First, in the viewer, you have a stop button and second, in the console, does it say listening on and then a URL? Let's take a look at this in practice by navigating to our to exercise files. We're going to go to folder 0105 and we're going to our RStudio project. Let's open our server to our file and now let's run our Shiny App. So as Shiny App is running and now let's return to RStudio. So in the viewer tab, I can see there's a stop button and the console I can see there's a stop button and if I scroll up in my console we can see the last thing that was run was runApp and I can see that we're currently listening on…
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What is Shiny?2m 46s
What are data apps?52s
Why build data apps with Shiny?1m 35s
Run Shiny apps on your own machine1m 7s
Quit Shiny apps on your local machine1m 49s
Deploying apps to shinyapps.io1m 25s
Deploying apps with Shiny Server1m 14s