From the course: Building Creative Organizations
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The antidote: Candor and feedback
From the course: Building Creative Organizations
The antidote: Candor and feedback
- Can I give you a little feedback? Let's face it, those words make most of us cringe. We automatically brace for whatever's coming next preparing to defend and explain ourselves and yet we know that truly creative organizations are feedback rich. Feedback is an essential and welcomed element of how people work together. To help illustrate the importance of feedback I like to use the image of a beach ball. Imagine we're sitting in a meeting and there's a giant beach ball in the middle of the table filling the space and that beach ball only has two colors. It's blue on one side and it's red on the other. If you were to ask someone from where you sit, what color is the beach ball? They might say red, or if they were sitting on the opposite side, they'd say blue. Others at the table might say, it's blue and red, or it's mostly red with a little blue depending on their angle. This is a simple metaphor for how we…