From the course: Building Creative Organizations

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Making accountability a strength

Making accountability a strength

- One of the most frequent questions clients ask me is how do I get people to be accountable for results? Now, this is usually coming from a place of some exasperation. Talking louder or getting angry just isn't working. Without a constructive way to hold each other accountable, the new ideas and innovation that come from creativity may never come to fruition but what does healthy accountability look like? It's really a sense of ownership for results and the willingness to be counted on for those results. Let's break down an accountability statement. I will do what I say I will do by when I say I will do it and to the level of quality expected or better. Simple, right? Wrong. We all drop balls. You've got to account for the unknown. As a result, you might add this statement. I'll communicate as quickly as possible when I know I can't deliver as promised. Okay, that seems to handle it except there are times when any of…
