From the course: Building Creative Organizations

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Accountability: Bad vibe or pure gold?

Accountability: Bad vibe or pure gold?

From the course: Building Creative Organizations

Accountability: Bad vibe or pure gold?

- If I look at you directly and say, I'm holding you accountable, it can conjure up certain reactions like, uh-oh, or, I'm the one who's going to get in trouble if this fails. But if I look at you in the eye and say, we're counting on you for this, it can elicit other reactions like, I'll do my best, or even, wow, you have confidence in me. These two examples frame the challenge around accountability. How does a commitment to holding each other accountable impact creativity in an organization? Does it create fear that reduces it or confidence that fosters it? Let's face it. Unless we have a strong muscle around accountability and follow through, we won't get the benefits of increased creativity. We won't produce results. But most organizations have a default setting around accountability that swings between superficial and punitive. By superficial, I mean that we talk a good game about the importance of being…
