From the course: Building APIs with Swagger and the OpenAPI Specification

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Packaging the API implementation

Packaging the API implementation

- [Instructor] Once we've built out our API implementation, we'll need to package the API for deployment to a server. Luckily, we're using Maven, which makes it extremely easy to package our software. Just right-click on your project and then go to Run As, then Maven build. Within the dialogue box, we need to specify two Maven goals. So, specify the clean goal and then the package goal. We'll also need to select the Skip Test option and then we need to ensure that we're running our Maven build using a JDK. To do this, click on the JRE tab and then click on Alternate JRE. You'll notice we're set up to run with a JRE, so we can go to this installed JREs button and here we can add a JDK. So click on Standard VM and then hit Next and now we'll use the Directory button to search for our JDK. My JDK is installed within C:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk1.8.0_211. All I need to do is select this folder and Eclipse will load the JDK. Then we need to click on the JDK in order to use it within our Run…
