From the course: Building Accountability into Your Culture

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Strengthening a brand

Strengthening a brand

- Your brand is one of your most valuable assets, and a culture of accountability is going to help you protect it. A brand is a promise, and you need to remember who you're ultimately accountable to. Ignoring that bond of trust between you and that final accountable party, whether it's a patient, a customer, is going to damage your brand. This comes out a lot during a crisis situation. How you handle crises or shortfalls can make or break your brand, and a culture of accountability is what's going to drive the behaviors in those situations. For example, Johnson & Johnson had an issue with Tylenol. Some of the pills had been tampered with. Rather than sitting there and figuring out are there specific markets or types of packaging that have been tampered with, they just said "We're accountable to our customers." They pulled all the product off the shelves despite the huge negative financial implication of doing so, but by…
