From the course: Building a Winning Enterprise Marketing Strategy

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Leadership and earn-share strategies

Leadership and earn-share strategies

- [Instructor] Back in my consulting days, I was surprised in working with a very large US airline that they looked at their category as the New York-London route for business class, and they were very proud that in that business category, they had 80% market share. There was a bit of a head-scratcher for me. Why did they look at their market in such a narrow way? And I've come to understand that even category leaders, market leaders sometimes are tempted to go to market to earn share from competition. And if you think through that for a bit, you'll realize that's not a very good idea. In fact, category leaders, these are companies that have dominant market shares, and they are the companies others seek to imitate. They do best when they go to market as category leaders. And that is because when you are the category leader, earning share from a competitor is not as efficient a strategy long-term as expanding the category. So…
