From the course: Building a Small Business Website with Shopify

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Customize the Home page

Customize the Home page

- [Instructor] We've made some great progress adding content to our site. Now it's time to turn our attention to the homepage. Earlier, we did the hard work of figuring out our site goals. Keeping those in mind, I'll customize the homepage in a way that makes sense for my brand. Now, unlike when we created other pages, the homepage isn't a page in the traditional sense. Instead, it's a unique template. So let's drop into the theme customizer and from the template selector or this title over here, we can see that we're editing the homepage. There are already a lot of sections and blocks going on here. That's the default design of this particular theme. The quickest path to setting up your homepage may be to use the existing design. In this case, there's a lot going on and I want to simplify it. So I'll start by deleting the sections I don't want. Okay, so this just leaves me with two sections. The first…
