From the course: Building a Small Business Website with Shopify
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Customize the Checkout page - Shopify Tutorial
From the course: Building a Small Business Website with Shopify
Customize the Checkout page
- [Instructor] We've looked at templates and pages, but the checkout for Shopify is different from the rest of the store. I'm going to start by going to my shop. I'll add a product to my cart and say checkout. Here we can see the default checkout that all Shopify stores have. You can customize a few things here, like the colors, but you can't change this page or template. Let's go to our theme customizer. Open up theme settings and navigate down to checkout. So we can add a background image, a logo, change some colors. Let's go ahead and do that. (no audio) (no audio) Now, I think it's kind of weird that we can't connect our brand colors automatically here, but I'll go ahead and update these to match our theme. (no audio) And let's click save. So let's head back to our checkout page and reload it, and we can see the changes we made. Now, perhaps I didn't choose the best photo, so I'm going to fix that, and…
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Introduction to the content editor3m 51s
Create a Contact page6m 3s
Create an About page2m
Create a blog2m 56s
Add products2m 58s
Create custom collections3m 46s
Customize the Home page4m 48s
Customize the Checkout page2m 28s
Organize navigation3m 22s