From the course: Building a React Project with Google Bard and the PalM2 API

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The PaLM 2 API

The PaLM 2 API

- [Instructor] Our application is going to be based on an API from Google called PaLM 2. So let's talk a bit about what it is and how it works. PaLM stands for Pathways Language Model currently in version 2, or PaLM 2. PaLM 2 is particularly good at certain tasks like advanced reasoning, and it can code in at least 20 programming languages. It's also good at math, which other language models seem to struggle with. It's also good at natural language tasks, including translation. It was trained on more than 100 spoken languages. Google is using the model in more than just Bard. It's being integrated into Google's own apps like Google Sheets and Docs. It's also being integrated into other products in a project called Duet. PaLM 2 is also used to power a group of experiments called Search Labs where Google is folding PaLM into their search products by adding results from the AI in addition to regular search results.…
