From the course: Building a React Project with Google Bard and the PalM2 API

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Installing React

Installing React

- [Instructor] To create our client we're going to use the React Library. It's a fantastic library that helps you create user interfaces easily. And in addition to that, we're going to use a little CSS framework called Pico CSS. It does a fantastic job of making your applications look really good with just simple HTML tags. So very minimal sort of CSS that you have to write. And then we're going to put this all together with a tooling framework called Vite. This will allow you to run your development environment pretty easily. So let's go ahead and do that. We'll switch over to Visual Studio Code and on a clean terminal, I want to type in the command for creating the Vite server. Now I want to make sure, so I'm going to do a pwd here that I'm just in the React Palm folder, not inside the Palm Server. So I'm going to say npm create vite@latest and I'm going to type in palm client here. This is going to ask me a…
