From the course: Building a React Project with Google Bard and the PalM2 API

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Creating a Node.js server with Express

Creating a Node.js server with Express

- [Instructor] It'd be really great to have a server that we could use to get information from the API. So what I'm going to do is install a couple of more modules. I'm going to come in here and do npm install and I'm going to use express which will allow me to create a server as well as nodemon which will let me run that server and restart it automatically if anything happens. It's a pretty useful module. So I'm going to hit those two. And I'm going to go ahead and change the package.json file to go ahead and use that as a script. So I'm going to say npm start is going to be running nodemon inxex.js. So now if I open up my terminal and I say npm start, it should automatically run the server and give me back some results. Alright, that's pretty good. But we're going to make that better by making it a server that will be able to eventually receive requests for the information from the API. But we'll get started by creating…
