From the course: Building a React Project with Google Bard and the PalM2 API
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Adding custom CSS - Bard Tutorial
From the course: Building a React Project with Google Bard and the PalM2 API
Adding custom CSS
- [Instructor] Pico CSS gives you some styles that are pretty good, but I want to customize them so that this section right here is always at the bottom and I want this button to be next to this text area. And I also want this section right here to always take up any empty space so that we don't end up with these sort of big spaces at the bottom. So I'm going to fix that and I'm just going to use inline styles. They're the easiest, this is not a big project, so we could just take care of it like this. Now for styles in React, you have to use this really weird nomenclature, where you give it a style attribute and then you use sort of double curly braces. And the CSS is almost like JSON that you have to type in. As a matter of fact, it's exactly JSON, it's not like JSON. So we'll start off by giving it a height, and then these numbers have to be in quotes, so this'll be 100% of the viewport height. And then we'll say display…