From the course: Branding Strategy: Define Your Creative Edge

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Determine your ideal client

Determine your ideal client

- [Narrator] One of the best lessons I learned was that the world is not your client. You see if we sell to the world, we sell to no one. So when we really truly understand who we are trying to work with and connect with, we're able to define a specific market, we're able to address their pain points, we know where to find them, and we're able to promote our work with confidence because we truly know where we're heading and who we want to connect with. We need to truly be able to get to know our ideal client before we can go and promote our work. So let's take a look at an example of this company. I'm pretty sure you already have an idea of who I'm talking about, it's IKEA. When you look at their beautiful store they have all sorts of furniture, but it goes beyond just these nice furniture pieces. When you go into their exhibit area, they really are focused about the customer experience. So every room is actually tailored to fit and appeal to a specific customer. They actually come up…
