From the course: Brand Leadership: Building Brand and Culture
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What kinds of organizations benefit from fusion?
From the course: Brand Leadership: Building Brand and Culture
What kinds of organizations benefit from fusion?
- Does brand culture fusion makes sense for you? Although larger B2C business to consumer companies have been more likely to engage in brand and culture building in the past, people now recognize that brand and culture drive growth and stability across all types of organizations. Brand culture fusion has the potential to improve the competitiveness and accelerate the growth of practically any organization, regardless of its size or type. Consider how it might advance yours. If you have a B2B business to business company, the integration and alignment of brand and culture is critical, because employees are usually highly involved with customers during the sales process, and throughout the product service and support cycle. In the case of consulting and other professional services firms, employees are often the product themselves. So in many B2B companies, culture is clearly on display to customers through people's attitudes…