From the course: Brand Design Foundations

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- Terminology is one of the first issues to address when discussing branding and identity design. Having a shared understanding of language helps avoid confusion and miscommunication. Since branding and logos have been appropriated by every aspect of life, they tend to be overused and misunderstood. The word logo means 10 things to 10 different people, but we can simplify this with some clearer understanding. Let's begin with a wordmark. A wordmark is just that, a word that is a mark. It is a company name typeset in a proprietary way and used consistently. Some of the most successful brands in history use a wordmark such as Ford, Johnson & Johnson, and Disney. They're easy to read, memorable, and I won't be confused with another, similar name that can happen with a monogram. The upside of wordmark is that it's easy to identify. I can read the name and know who the company or organization is. I don't need to decipher a…
