From the course: Boost Resilience with Mindfulness
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Self-judgment and self-compassion
From the course: Boost Resilience with Mindfulness
Self-judgment and self-compassion
- [Instructor] During the last sessions, we've been looking at thoughts and feelings through the lens of mindfulness. Today, we'll explore how mindfulness can help unhook you from one cluster of thoughts and feelings that can be particularly difficult, and that's self-judgment. You might've found, even during this mindfulness training, that there's been a tendency to put yourself down in some way. Maybe you've been critical about your level of effort or maybe you felt you weren't doing it correctly. Maybe you felt that you were falling short in some way. This tendency to not feel good enough can arise in every domain of our life. How we're performing at work, how we look, how we compare to others we work with, the quality of our parenting, how much money we make our desirability as an intimate partner. And in the deepest way, even our worthiness as a human. I liked the way cartoonist Jules Feiffer puts it. He says…
Mindfulness: The core practice9m 56s
Self-judgment and self-compassion12m 49s
RAIN14m 28s
Emotions and inner resources13m 22s
Beginner’s mind10m 5s
Spacious awareness13m 22s
Equanimity11m 44s
Who am I?: Mindfulness of awareness12m 13s