From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Solution: Render your first animation

Solution: Render your first animation - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Solution: Render your first animation

(upbeat techno music) - [Instructor] Now that you've gone ahead and rendered all of these awesome images, it's time to talk about how to put them together into a single video. Now don't worry if this rendering took a few hours. It definitely took my machine a few hours to process, and that is completely normal. Once your rendering is done, let's go to file, new, video editing. Welcome to the Blender video sequence editor. The video editor and Blender has had a lot of work over the years, and it's a really simple, easy to use tool to do things like editing video, layering in sound, and in our case, combining a bunch of images to make a video. At the bottom here, you'll see the video sequence editor tab. From here, click on add. Now this looks quite familiar, just like before, you can add a bunch of different things to your video sequence editing. We want to go to image-sequence. I'm going to navigate to my exercise…
