From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training
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Overview of shading and texturing - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training
Overview of shading and texturing
- [instructor] Now that you have an awesome 3D space fighter, let's talk about how to shade and texture it. Shading and texturing is how you bring colors and material definition to your 3D models inside a blender. In this chapter, we'll cover two main ways of doing this. First, we'll learn all about the principled BSDF. That's the root of most of the shading you're going to be doing inside a blender. So we're going to spend a lot of time there. Next, we'll look at mixing in advanced nodes to generate visually interesting detail just by dragging in certain material nodes, like the sheen, coat, noise or vonoi. And then finally, we'll go ahead and paint a texture right on top of the ship, and we'll see how you can use different systems to create really interesting looks for your space fighter. This chapter is where your space fighter is going to look really awesome. So let's take off and get shading.
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Overview of shading and texturing1m 1s
Creating your first material in Blender6m 55s
Add details with advanced materials7m 47s
Why you should use Node Wrangler3m 59s
Setting up your objects for painting7m 23s
Painting a texture inside of Blender7m 57s
Challenge: Detail your starfighter1m 10s
Solution: Detail your starfighter5m 39s