From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Learn to 3D model in Blender

Learn to 3D model in Blender - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Learn to 3D model in Blender

- [Instructor] Now that you've made a really cool concept inside of Blender, let's look at how to 3D model it. Come up to the top left and go to file Append. Navigate to your exercise files and go to chapter two, video four. From here, open up your spaceship concept and just go ahead and click on Append. This opens up a new set of folders, and from here, look for object. Double click on it, and you'll see two objects, a Camera or a Stroke. Let's go ahead and left click on Stroke, it adds this little blue bar, and click on Append. Now that I've gone ahead and done that, you can see that my 2D drawing from before appears right here. One thing that I need to do is click on rotate, and then hit N for numbers. And I want to rotate on the Z or zed axis by 90 degrees. So I'm just going to left click, type in 90, hit Enter, and there we go. Now we're facing down the Y-axis. This will be important later on. All right, we can hit…
