From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Introducing Blender 4.0 for beginners - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Introducing Blender 4.0 for beginners

- [David] Have you ever wanted to create stunning 3D animations, or maybe you just want to be on the cutting edge of computer graphics? Well, with the latest release of the Blender 4.0 series, all those creative dreams can be immediately fulfilled. In this new version of Blender, we're going to cover some amazing tools. We're going to assume that you've never used 3D software before. We're going to learn about Grease Pencil and 3D modeling. We'll talk about shading and texturing and cover some of the improvements that came with the Blender 4.0 series. From there, we'll get into rigging and animation. Later on, we'll cover geometry nodes, which is a brand new innovation area for Blender. Finally, we're going to put it all together with lighting and rendering. So without further ado, let's take off. (jet whooshes)
