From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Geometry Node samples

Geometry Node samples

- [Instructor] The very first thing I want to talk about in geometry nodes, is just how awesome they are. So for this video, I've gone ahead and downloaded a few demo projects, and we're just going to take a look at them and get inspired. You can always go to the website and go ahead and download the demo files. Click on geometry nodes, and you'll see a whole bunch of them that you can download, and explore, and understand how to make your own geometry nodes. One of my favorites is this Candy Bounce, and because Blender's open source, you can actually go ahead, click on play, and take a look at the source. To find this file, you can either download it from the demo files or file open, go to your exercise files, and go through this chapter video, 0502, and you'll see Candy Bounce. Just go ahead and open it, and click play. (mouse clicks) This is all procedurally happening, and you can see…
