From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training
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Advanced 3D modelling tools in Blender - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training
Advanced 3D modelling tools in Blender
- [Instructor] Now let's look at how we can mirror our changes from one side to the other. As you might remember from the previous video, we turned on X mirroring. And it generally works for moving tools, but it starts to fall apart when you go ahead and start extruding new faces. So, what we want to do is go to Loop Cut and hover our mouse right around here and cut right down the middle. Now be careful if you move your mouse, you might add more cuts. So, just go ahead and hit Enter as soon as you left-click. There we go. And so now we have a nice cut all the way down the middle. Go back to the Move tool and on the right, click on this little blue wrench, and then, click on Add Modifier. Go to Generate and look for a mirror. And for good measure, click on Clipping. Now, a few things. If this doesn't happen and you see a different kind of mirroring happen, maybe something like this? Well, consider changing what…
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Overview of creation tools in Blender38s
Creating concepts with Grease Pencil6m 27s
Storyboarding with Grease Pencil6m 19s
Learn to 3D model in Blender5m 19s
Advanced 3D modelling tools in Blender6m 13s
Add details with Boolean4m 12s
Challenge: Fix a 3D model1m 32s
Solution: N-Gons in Blender2m 35s