From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Solution: Add more objects

Solution: Add more objects - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Solution: Add more objects

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Okay. Welcome to your very first challenge solution video. Now remember, all we had to do was add a few objects and move the camera. Now, you know how in middle school division you're learning how it all works and it really hurts your head, and there's a really long way to do it. And then right at the end, the teacher shows you a very easy and simple way to do division. Well, Blender's a lot like that and there's a very easy way to move the camera. So I'm going to show you both of them, but first let's go ahead and add some objects. I want to go ahead and just add anything in here. Let's go ahead and add a cone. Remember I can always go ahead and move my objects and even scale them. Here we go. It's like a little party hat. Now, you can either click to move your cursor or shift + right click to move your cursor. And let's go ahead and add an another object. But this time I'm going…
