From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training
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Overview of animation - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training
Overview of animation
- [Instructor] Animation is a process of bringing life to your characters. What was once a static object, in this case a little Gord, will now move around and bounce and be alive. In fact, the seminal book on animation is referred to as the Illusion of Life. In that book, authors, Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston talked about the principle of animation or movement that will trick viewers into believing this character is really there. In this chapter, we're going to explore the more technical aspects of animation such as armatures, rigging, and shape keys, but I highly recommend you check out my course on the 12 principles of animation that is on the online training library. Now with our goals clear, let's jump in and bring Gordy to life.
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Overview of animation46s
Creating your first armature7m 36s
Refining your armature7m 44s
Shape keys and drivers7m 46s
Setting your first keyframe7m 18s
Common animation tools7m 34s
Challenge: Animate Gourdy2m 4s
Solution: Animate Gourdy12m 22s