From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training
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Navigating the interface - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training
Navigating the interface
- In the previous video, we talked a lot about menus and shortcuts inside of blender. There are three that you must be absolutely familiar with. Middle mouse button, which allows you to rotate around your scene, shift + middle mouse, which lets you shift around or dolly around in your scene, and control + middle mouse, which allows you to zoom in and out of your scene. You can also use the tools over here on the right, but it can be a little cumbersome to use. So I highly encourage you to use middle mouse, and just hold it and move around your scene. Shift + middle mouse to move around this way, and then control + middle mouse, again to zoom in and out. One more thing about navigating the view port. You might notice this interesting little crosshair that is inside of your scene. This is called the 3D cursor. The best way to think about it is say word or notepad or text edit, whenever you're in any of those word processing…
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First steps: Navigating the interface4m
Menus, search, and shortcuts2m 42s
Navigating the interface1m 52s
Creating your first objects4m 30s
Modifying objects5m 36s
Making a scene and adding lights5m 12s
Rendering your scene4m 58s
Challenge: Add more objects53s
Solution: Add more objects6m 46s