From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Modifying objects

Modifying objects

- [Instructor] Now that you've gone ahead and populated your scene with some awesome objects, let's go ahead and investigate the modifiers panel. Now heads up. If you don't have exercise files, or you didn't save your previous scene, It's okay. Go ahead and click on add and add a mesh object to your scene. Not a metaball or surface curve. We're only going to focus this on meshes from now on. So go ahead and add a mesh to your scene. Select on your object. And you'll know it's selected because you'll see an orange, bright bright orange outline around it. Now on the right you'll see a blue wrench. Go ahead and click on it. This is the modifiers panel. It's going to be a panel that you're going to spend quite a bit of time in, so I figure we should cover this much earlier in the course. There are a lot of modifiers available to you. And they're broken up into different sections. Let's start with modify. The modify…
