From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training
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Unwrapping - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training
- [Instructor] Over the course of the next three videos, we're going to explore on how to paint a texture onto the surface of your 3D object. The first step is to unwrap the surface so we can actually paint on it. Let's come over to our outliner and just clean some things up really quick. Double click on this thing that's called cube one which is actually this entire lunar surface. I'm going to type in the lunar cheese surface. There we go. So now that we know what this is, I'm going to go ahead and hide it. And this thing that's called plane, I'm going to unhide it. I'm going to move around 'til I find it and you can see that the plane is actually my astronaut. So let's go ahead and double click on plane and call it astronaut. That way we have a clear idea of what we're working on. And then go ahead and click on UV editing. Now, if for some reason you don't see UV editing, you can always hold down your…
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Overview of texturing45s
Creating your first materials in Blender7m 22s
Advanced Shader Editor workflow7m 25s
Unwrapping9m 54s
Texture painting in Blender7m 59s
Sculpture painting in Blender4m 58s
Challenge: Paint your astronaut44s
Solution: Paint your astronaut8m 37s