From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training
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Solution: Add more objects - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training
Solution: Add more objects
(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Did you remember how to add objects into your scene? There are a ton of different kinds of objects that you can add, and yes, we did skip over some that were a little bit more complex than we needed for this chapter, but nonetheless there are a lot of great things you could add. But here's the thing. If you added a circle, and you went to Render, you won't see anything. Later on we'll talk about how to fix it, but generally it's because a circle or curve has no actual 3D-face data. It's just points on a line. We need faces in order to render things. Also, you may have noticed that sometimes, or really all the time, whenever you add a new object, it always seems to be stuck in the middle or just shoved in somewhere, right? That's because your 3D cursor, which I can click over here, is right at the center of your scene. Let me put my 3D cursor right here, and now go to Add, Monkey.…
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First steps, navigating the interface5m 36s
Menus, search, and shortcuts5m 33s
Create your first objects4m 35s
Modifying objects5m 36s
Arrange your Blender scene and add materials4m 47s
Add lights and render your scene6m 46s
Challenge: Add more objects39s
Solution: Add more objects5m 32s