From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Solution: Add more objects

Solution: Add more objects - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Solution: Add more objects

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Did you remember how to add objects into your scene? There are a ton of different kinds of objects that you can add, and yes, we did skip over some that were a little bit more complex than we needed for this chapter, but nonetheless there are a lot of great things you could add. But here's the thing. If you added a circle, and you went to Render, you won't see anything. Later on we'll talk about how to fix it, but generally it's because a circle or curve has no actual 3D-face data. It's just points on a line. We need faces in order to render things. Also, you may have noticed that sometimes, or really all the time, whenever you add a new object, it always seems to be stuck in the middle or just shoved in somewhere, right? That's because your 3D cursor, which I can click over here, is right at the center of your scene. Let me put my 3D cursor right here, and now go to Add, Monkey.…
