From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Solution: Add an effect

Solution: Add an effect

(punchy electronic music) - [Instructor] Welcome to the solution on adding effects to our lunar and astronaut scene. Let's go ahead and turn on our controls, and switch to Object mode. And you know what? We can go into View tab over here on the right, and if you don't see it, you can hit N to pull it up, and just turn off annotations. All right, let's go ahead and have some fun here. The first thing I want to do is add a flag, so let's go to Add, Mesh, Cylinder. Open up the Add Cylinder, over here and change the radius. And be careful, it might pop really small. If for some reason that window already went away, that's okay, you can just go ahead and scale it. And then from here, let's go ahead and make it a little bit taller. I like to work back and forth in my camera view and my 3D view, so you'll see me switch between the two quite a bit, and you can do that right here. I want to scale this in just a little bit…
