From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Set your first keyframe

Set your first keyframe

- Now that you've gone ahead and refine the weights let's go ahead and start animating. There's a few things that we can talk about that'll help you along your animation journey. Let's go ahead and zoom in to this left arm. And over here at the top right, you can either hit the N button for numbers or open up this carrot and I'm going to just shove it over here to the right. Make sure you're in the item tab and you can minimize transform and rig properties for right now. You'll see that there are a lot of controls available to you and you can hold down your left click and just move around to hide a bunch of them. You need to have at least one always visible so I often leave the root on. Let's turn on the arm the left, IK and FK just by left clicking on them. And now open up Rig Main Properties. IK and FK stand for inverse and forward kinematics. Let me show you. If for some reason you can't see these controls, make sure…
