From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] Let's say you wanted to have a wall that gets broken down, or maybe something that falls and bounces around. Well, you can do that with rigid body simulations. Let me show you. Let's go ahead and delete the cube, and click add, go to plane, and scale it up. Remember, we always want to apply our scale. Now let's come over down to our physics, and let's go ahead and add a monkey, and bring this monkey up. Click on rigid body, and then click the plane and click rigid body again. And this time, set the type to passive. Now just go ahead and click play. Hey, that works out pretty well. Now let's come over to surface response and turn bounciness all the way up. There's no noticeable change. That's because you have to click on a monkey and also have it accept bounciness. So let's turn up bounciness as well. And now click play. Hey, that's looking pretty good. Let's come back here and click on the plane.…
