From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

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Become a barber with the new Hair system

Become a barber with the new Hair system - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.3 Essential Training

Become a barber with the new Hair system

- [Instructor] Introducing Blender 3.3 is a brand new hair system. It's really fun to play with. So let's just dive in and start making some hair. I'm going to delete this cube. And go to add mesh. Monkey. Now here's a new shortcut for you. Control two. If you come over to your modifiers, you'll see that it adds a subdivision of two. You can actually hit control one, two, or three. Two should be good for us. So let's go ahead and hit that. And then go to apply. Now one thing that's really critical before you add hair to any future 3D object. Go to object data properties and open up UV maps. And make sure you have a UV map. You can even come over here to the UV editing settings and make sure it looks all right. You want to try to not have any overlapping UVs if possible. Let's come back to layout. From here go to add curve. Empty hair. At first it may look like nothing happened and if you look in the…
